Source code for SAGA_optimize


SAGA_optimize API Reference

This module provides the :class:`~SAGA_optimize.SAGA` class to find the optimal solutions to a set of parameters
based on a given energy function with a simulated annealing and genetic algorithm. The :class:`~SAGA_optimize.ElementDescription`
class describes a parameter. The :class:`~SAGA_optimize.Guess` class stores a set of :class:`~SAGA_optimize.ElementDescription`
instances to a given energy function and the :class:`~SAGA_optimize.Population` class contains a group of :class:`~SAGA_optimize.Guess`


import random
import math
import jsonpickle

__version__ = ''

[docs]class ElementDescription: """ ElementDescription class describes an optimized parameter to a given energy function."""
[docs] def __init__(self, low=0, high=0, name='', value=None, mutate=None): """ElementDescription initializer. :param double low: minimum value for this element; OPTIONAL if immutable value specified. :param double high: maximum value for this element; OPTIONAL if immutable value specified. :param str name: OPTIONAL - the name of the element. :param double value: OPTIONAL - immutable value for this element. :param str mutate: the method that mutates the element; DEFAULT - mutatePopulationRangedFloat. """ self.low = low self.high = high = name self.value = value self.immutable = True if value is not None else False self.mutateCollections = {'mutateRandomRangedFloat': self._mutateRandomRangedFloat, 'mutateRandomRangedInteger': self._mutateRandomRangedInteger, 'mutatePopulationRangedFloat': self._mutatePopulationRangedFloat, 'mutatePopulationRangedInteger': self._mutatePopulationRangedInteger} self.mutate = self._mutatePopulationRangedFloat if mutate is None else self.mutateCollections[mutate]
def _mutateRandomRangedFloat(self): """ :return: random floating point value between an element's range. """ return random.random() * (self.high - self.low) + self.low def _mutateRandomRangedInteger(self): """ :return: random integer value between an element's range. """ return int(0.5 + random.random() * (self.high - self.low) + self.low) def _mutatePopulationRangedFloat(self, range, fraction): """ :param range: the range of the element value among population. :param fraction: number change along the temperature, as the temperature decreases the fraction decreases. :return: random floating point between shrinking ranges based on the values in the population, current temp, and the alpha. """ high = self.high low = self.low if fraction < 1: low = self.low * fraction + range[0] * (1 - fraction) high = self.high * fraction + range[1] * (1 - fraction) return random.random() * (high - low) + low def _mutatePopulationRangedInteger(self, range, fraction): """ :param range: the range of the element value among population. :param fraction: number change along the temperature, as the temperature decreases the fraction decreases. :return: random integer value between shrinking ranges based on the values in the population, current temp, and the alpha. """ high = self.high low = self.low if fraction < 1: low = self.low * fraction + range[0] * (1 - fraction) high = self.high * fraction + range[1] * (1 - fraction) return int(0.5 + random.random() * (high - low) + low)
[docs]class Guess: """Guess class collects all the optimized parameter values related to a list of :class:`~SAGA_optimize.ElementDescription` instances."""
[docs] def __init__(self, elementDescriptions, elements, energy=0): """Guess initializer. :param list elementDescriptions: a list of :class:`~SAGA_optimize.ElementDescription` instances. :param list elements: a list of values for the corresponding :class:`~SAGA_optimize.ElementDescription` instances. :param double energy: the energy of the Guess calculated from an energy function. """ self.elementDescriptions = elementDescriptions self.elements = elements = energy
[docs] def clone(self): """Clones everything but the energy. :return: the Guess instance. :rtype: :class:`~SAGA_optimize.Guess` """ return Guess(self.elementDescriptions, self.elements)
def __str__(self): """Converts Guess to a string representation. :return: the string representation. """ string = "Guess: Energy = {0} Parameters: ".format( for index in range(0, len(self.elementDescriptions)): if self.elementDescriptions[index].name != '': string += str(self.elementDescriptions[index].name) else: string += "Element {0}".format(index+1) string += " = {0} ".format(self.elements[index]) return string
[docs]class Population: """Population class which contains a group of Guess instances."""
[docs] def __init__(self, size, elementDescriptions, energyCalculation, direction=-1, initialPopulation=None): """ :param int size: the number of :class:`~SAGA_optimize.Guess` instances in the population. :param list elementDescriptions: a list of :class:`~SAGA_optimize.ElementDescription` instances in the :class:`~SAGA_optimize.Guess`. :param energyCalculation: the given energy function. :param int direction: (1 or -1) for determining lowest energy. :param initialPopulation: an initial :class:`~SAGA_optimize.Population` instance. """ self.guesses = [] self.elementDescriptions = elementDescriptions if initialPopulation: self.ranges = initialPopulation.ranges self.edRangeTuples = initialPopulation.edRangeTuples if initialPopulation.bestIndex >= 0: size -= 1 self.guesses.append(initialPopulation.guesses[initialPopulation.bestIndex].clone()) else: self.ranges = [[0, 0] for eDescrip in self.elementDescriptions] self.edRangeTuples = [ (eDescrip, range) for (eDescrip, range) in zip(self.elementDescriptions, self.ranges)] for iteration in range(0, size): newElements = [eDescrip.value if eDescrip.immutable else eDescrip.mutate(eRange, 1) for (eDescrip, eRange) in self.edRangeTuples] self.guesses.append(Guess(self.elementDescriptions, newElements)) for guess in self.guesses: = energyCalculation(guess.elements) energies = [ for guess in self.guesses] if direction > 0 : self.bestIndex = max(range(len(energies)), key=energies.__getitem__) else: self.bestIndex = min(range(len(energies)), key=energies.__getitem__) for elementIndex in range(0, len(self.guesses[0].elements)): self._updateRange(elementIndex) self._updateLowestEnergy(direction) self._updateMaxEnergy()
def _updateGuess(self, newGuess, index, direction): """Updates guess in the population and RETURNS the old Guess. :param newGuess: a new Guess object. :param index: the index of the Guess that will be replaced by the newGuess. :param direction: 1 or -1. :return: the old Guess. """ oldGuess = self.guesses[index] oldElements = oldGuess.elements self.guesses[index] = newGuess if direction * <= direction * self.lowestEnergy: self.lowestEnergy = for elementIndex in range(0, len(newGuess.elements)): if newGuess.elements[elementIndex] <= self.ranges[elementIndex][0]: self.ranges[elementIndex][0] = newGuess.elements[elementIndex] elif newGuess.elements[elementIndex] >= self.ranges[elementIndex][1]: self.ranges[elementIndex][1] = newGuess.elements[elementIndex] elif oldElements[elementIndex] == self.ranges[elementIndex][0] or oldElements[elementIndex] == self.ranges[elementIndex][1]: self._updateRange(elementIndex) # Update maxEnergy self._updateMaxEnergy() return oldGuess def _updateLowestEnergy(self, direction): """Updates the lowestEnergy in the population. :param direction: 1 or -1. :return: no return. """ energies = [ for guess in self.guesses] energies.sort() self.lowestEnergy = energies[0] if direction > 0 else energies[-1] def _updateMaxEnergy(self): """Updates maxEnergy in the Population. :return: no return. """ maxEnergy = self.guesses[self.bestIndex].energy alternativeMaxEnergy = abs(maxEnergy - self.lowestEnergy) maxEnergy = abs(maxEnergy) self.maxEnergy = alternativeMaxEnergy if alternativeMaxEnergy > maxEnergy else maxEnergy def _updateRange(self, elementIndex): """Updates ranges for each element in the Population. :return: no return. """ rangeValue = [ guess.elements[elementIndex] for guess in self.guesses ] rangeValue.sort() self.ranges[elementIndex][0:2] = (rangeValue[0], rangeValue[-1]) @property def bestGuess(self): return self.guesses[self.bestIndex]
[docs]class SAGA: """ Implements a simulated annealing / genetic algorithm optimization strategy. """
[docs] def __init__(self, stepNumber, startTemperature, temperatureStepSize, alpha, populationSize, energyCalculation, direction=-1, elementDescriptions=None, startPopulation=None, initialPopulation=None, crossoverRate=0.1, crossover=None, acceptedCriteria=None, mutationRate=1, annealMutationRate=1, maxEnergy=None, crossoverProbabilities=None, validGuess=None, bestOperation=None, bestResultsFile=None, allResultsFile=None): """ :param int stepNumber: number of simple steps to perform. :param double startTemperature: starting temperature. :param int temperatureStepSize: number of simple steps in a temperature step. :param double alpha: power of annealing rate; 1 is linear. :param int populationSize: size of the population of Guesses. :param energyCalculation: function to calculate the energy. :param int direction: optimization direction; 1 is maximizing; -1 is minimizing; DEFAULT is -1. :param list elementDescriptions: OPTIONAL - list of :class:`~SAGA_optimize.ElementDescription` instances. :param startPopulation: OPTIONAL - :class:`~SAGA_optimize.Population` instance to use as the starting population. :type startPopulation: :class:`~SAGA_optimize.Population` :param initialPopulation: OPTIONAL - :class:`~SAGA_optimize.Population` instance to initialize with. :type initialPopulation: :class:`~SAGA_optimize.Population` :param double crossoverRate: fractional rate of crossover versus mutation; DEFAULT is 0.1. :param int mutationRate: number of mutations to perform in creating a new Guess; DEFAULT is 1. :param annealMutationRate: whether to anneal mutationRate with temperature; DEFAULT is 1. :param double maxEnergy: OPTIONAL - override of maxEnergy for SA calculation. :param validGuess: function that tests if a Guess instance is valid. DEFAULT is None. :param bestOperation: function to perform on best Guess instance; DEFAULT is None. """ self.elementDescriptions = [] if elementDescriptions is None else elementDescriptions self.stepNumber = stepNumber self.startTemperature = startTemperature self.temperatureStepSize = temperatureStepSize self.energyCalculation = energyCalculation self.alpha = alpha self.direction = direction self.startPopulation = startPopulation self.initialPopulation = initialPopulation self.mutationRate = mutationRate self.annealMutationRate = annealMutationRate self.crossoverRate = crossoverRate self.crossoverCollections = {'crossover':self._createCrossoverGuess, 'randomCrossover': self._createRandomCrossoverGuess, 'potentialPointCrossover': self._createPotentialPointCrossoverGuess} self.crossover = self._createCrossoverGuess if crossover is None else self.crossoverCollections[crossover] self.acceptedCriteriaCollections = {'decent': self._decentAcceptedCriteria, 'boltzamann': self._boltzamannAcceptedCriteria} self.acceptedCriteria = self._boltzamannAcceptedCriteria if acceptedCriteria is None else self.acceptedCriteriaCollections[acceptedCriteria] self.validGuess = validGuess self.populationSize = populationSize self.maxEnergy = maxEnergy self.bestOperation = bestOperation self.crossoverProbabilities = [i/sum(crossoverProbabilities) for i in crossoverProbabilities] if crossoverProbabilities is not None else None self.bestResultsFile = bestResultsFile if bestResultsFile else None self.allResultsFile = allResultsFile if allResultsFile else None
[docs] def addElementDescriptions(self, *elementDescriptions): """Add elementDescriptions. :param elementDescriptions: the :class:`~SAGA_optimize.ElementDescription` instance. :type elementDescriptions: :class:`~SAGA_optimize.ElementDescription` """ self.elementDescriptions.extend(elementDescriptions)
[docs] def optimize(self): """Performs the optimization. :return: :class:`~SAGA_optimize.Population`. """ if self.startPopulation: self.populationSize = len(self.startPopulation.guesses) population = self.startPopulation else: population = Population(self.populationSize, self.elementDescriptions, self.energyCalculation, self.direction, self.initialPopulation) maxEnergy = self.maxEnergy if self.maxEnergy else population.maxEnergy numberOfTemperatureSteps = int(self.stepNumber / self.temperatureStepSize) temperature = self.startTemperature temperatureFraction = 1 temperatureStepCount = 0 stepCount = self.stepNumber while stepCount: """Update temperature.""" if not stepCount % self.temperatureStepSize: temperatureStepCount += 1 temperature = self.startTemperature * pow((1.0 - temperatureStepCount/numberOfTemperatureSteps), self.alpha) temperatureFraction = (temperature + 0.01) / (self.startTemperature + 0.01) if self.annealMutationRate: self.mutationRate = int(self.mutationRate * temperature / self.startTemperature) if not self.mutationRate: self.mutationRate = 1 if self.allResultsFile: for index in range(0, len(population.guesses)): self.allResultsFile.write(jsonpickle.encode(population.guesses[index])) """Create new guess and test it.""" testIndex = random.randrange(len(population.guesses)) oldGuess = population.guesses[population.bestIndex].clone() newGuess = self.crossover(population, testIndex, oldGuess) if self.crossoverRate > random.random() else self._createMutationGuess(population, testIndex, oldGuess, self.mutationRate, temperatureFraction) = self.energyCalculation(newGuess.elements) if self.direction * > self.direction * population.guesses[population.bestIndex].energy: population.bestIndex = testIndex if self.acceptedCriteria(population, testIndex, newGuess, temperature, maxEnergy): oldGuess = population._updateGuess(newGuess, testIndex, self.direction) maxEnergy = self.maxEnergy if self.maxEnergy else population.maxEnergy if testIndex == population.bestIndex: if self.bestResultsFile: self.bestResultsFile.write(jsonpickle.encode(newGuess)) self.bestOperation and self.bestOperation(newGuess) elif self.allResultsFile: self.allResultsFile.write(jsonpickle.encode(newGuess)) elif self.allResultsFile: self.allResultsFile.write(jsonpickle.encode(newGuess)) stepCount -= 1 if self.allResultsFile: for index in range(0, len(population.guesses)): self.allResultsFile.write(jsonpickle.encode(population.guesses[index])) return population
def _decentAcceptedCriteria(self, population, testIndex, newGuess, temperature=None, maxEnergy=None): """Decent criteria used for the acceptance of the new guess""" return self.direction * population.guesses[testIndex].energy <= self.direction * def _boltzamannAcceptedCriteria(self, population, testIndex, newGuess, temperature=None, maxEnergy=None): """Boltzamann criteria used for the acceptance of the new guess""" return self.direction * (self.direction * temperature * maxEnergy * math.log(random.random()) * (testIndex != population.bestIndex) + population.guesses[testIndex].energy) <= self.direction * def _createMutationGuess(self, population, targetIndex, newGuess, mutationRate, temperatureFraction): """Creates and RETURNS a new mutated Guess. :param population: the Population object. :param targetIndex: index of Guess in the Population used to create a new Guess. :param newGuess: a Guess object that will be recreated. :param mutationRate: number of mutations to perform in creating a new Guess; DEFAULT is 1. :param temperatureFraction: number change along the temperature, as the temperature decreases the fraction decreases. :param validGuess: function that tests if a Guess object is valid. DEFAULT is 0. :return: the new Guess. """ newGuess.elements = list(population.guesses[targetIndex].elements) while True: count = mutationRate while count: elementIndex = random.randrange(len(newGuess.elements)) if not newGuess.elementDescriptions[elementIndex].immutable: count -= 1 newGuess.elements[elementIndex] = newGuess.elementDescriptions[elementIndex].mutate(population.ranges[elementIndex], temperatureFraction) if not self.validGuess or self.validGuess(newGuess): break return newGuess def _createCrossoverGuess(self, population, targetIndex, newGuess): """Creates and RETURNS a new Guess via a crossover between two Guesses. :param population: the Population object. :param targetIndex: index of Guess in the Population used to create a new Guess. :param newGuess: a Guess object that will be recreated. :return: the new Guess. """ while True: newGuess.elements = list(population.guesses[targetIndex].elements) cross = self._getCrossoverTarget(population, targetIndex) crossElements = population.guesses[cross].elements start = random.randint(0, len(crossElements) - 1) finish = random.randint(start+1, len(crossElements)) newGuess.elements[start:finish+1] = crossElements[start:finish+1] if not self.validGuess or self.validGuess(newGuess): break return newGuess def _createRandomCrossoverGuess(self, population, targetIndex, newGuess): """Creates and RETURNS a new Guess via a random crossover between two Guesses. :param population: the Population object. :param targetIndex: index of Guess in the Population used to create a new Guess. :param newGuess: a Guess object that will be recreated. :return: the new Guess. """ while True: newGuess.elements = list(population.guesses[targetIndex].elements) cross = self._getCrossoverTarget(population, targetIndex) crossElements = population.guesses[cross].elements numberOfChange = random.randint(1, len(crossElements)) pickedPoints = [] while numberOfChange: crossPoint = random.randrange(len(newGuess.elements)) if crossPoint not in pickedPoints: newGuess.elements[crossPoint] = crossElements[crossPoint] pickedPoints.append(crossPoint) numberOfChange -= 1 if not self.validGuess or self.validGuess(newGuess): break return newGuess def _createPotentialPointCrossoverGuess(self, population, targetIndex, newGuess): """Creates and RETURNS a new Guess via the potential point crossover between two Guesses. :param population: the Population object. :param targetIndex: index of Guess in the Population used to create a new Guess. :param newGuess: a Guess object that will be recreated. :return: the new Guess. """ if self.crossoverProbabilities is None: self.crossoverProbabilities = [1 / len(self.elementDescriptions) for i in self.elementDescriptions] while True: newGuess.elements = list(population.guesses[targetIndex].elements) cross = self._getCrossoverTarget(population, targetIndex) crossElements = population.guesses[cross].elements start = random.random() finish = start + random.random() * (1 - start) countProbability = 0 startPoint = 0 for startPoint in range(len(self.crossoverProbabilities)): countProbability += self.crossoverProbabilities[startPoint] if countProbability > start: break finishPoint = startPoint for finishPoint in range(startPoint+1, len(self.crossoverProbabilities)): countProbability += self.crossoverProbabilities[finishPoint] if countProbability > finish: break newGuess.elements[startPoint : finishPoint+1] = crossElements[startPoint : finishPoint+1] if not self.validGuess or self.validGuess(newGuess): break return newGuess def _getCrossoverTarget(self, population, excludedTarget): """Finds a new crossoverTarget weighted towards individuals with high energy. :param population: the Population object. :param excludedTarget: index of Guess in the Population that is excluded as a crossoverTarget. :return: the index of the Guess used as crossTarget. """ lowestEnergy = population.lowestEnergy totalEnergy = sum([abs( - lowestEnergy) for guess in population.guesses]) crossTarget = excludedTarget while crossTarget == excludedTarget: findEnergy = random.random() * totalEnergy countEnergy = 0 for crossTarget in range(len(population.guesses)): countEnergy += abs(population.guesses[crossTarget].energy - lowestEnergy) if countEnergy >= findEnergy: break if crossTarget > len(population.guesses) - 1: crossTarget = random.randrange(len(population.guesses)) return crossTarget